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We offer a wide range of financial services to our clients;

Income Continuance: Are you protecting your income, the one thing that pays for everything? If you had no income, due to unforeseen illness, injury, accident, or disability, how would you pay for your life style? Income protection is a form of disability or sickness insurance that can help prevent financial worries should you no longer be able to earn an income. It is a very simple plan, that is becoming increasingly popular in order to protect lifestyles in today's world. You simply pay a monthly premium, based on factors such as your occupation, health etc. that will ensure you will receive a regular income if you are unfortunate enough to be out of work. There are no restrictions on the type of illness, injury, accident or disability that are covered.

AVC PRSA: (SEE PENSIONS PAGE) If your retirement benefits are less than the maximum allowed by the Revenue Commissioners you should top-up your pension to help provide for a comfortable retirement. See pensions page for more details.

Life Cover: The main reason for life cover is to provide a tax free lump sum to help your family maintain the same standard of living that they enjoy today, should you die. As a person moves through different stages in life they will encounter various milestones- their first job, buying a home, marriage, children, starting a business- all life changing events. With these events come different responsibilities and protection needs. There is a need to protect your financial welfare and that of your partners and dependents. Mortgage Protection, Life Assurance, Serious Illness and Guaranteed Whole of Life policies provide cover for you and yours for different events through life's stages.

PRSA/Personal Pension: If you want to be free to do what you want later in life you need to make the most of the cash and investments you have now. The Government will help by way of tax relief in making your retirement as comfortable as possible.

Lump Sum Investments If you have a lump sum of € 10,000 or more to invest we can advise you on how to maximise your returns/increase your income with a range of tax efficient savings. With hundreds of funds to choose from, selecting the most suitable funds to build an appropriate portfolio can be very difficult, time consuming and stressfull. So why not leave it to the experts in fund management selection and avoid having to

  • Potentially research hundred of funds
  • Analyse which funds might suit your needs
  • Make a final selection based on your research and analysis
  • Constantly monitor performance
  • Keep track of all the paper work

Serious Illness:
Fact: Men aged 30 are 50% more likely to suffer a serious illness than die before the age of 65. Women are twice as likely.(Source: Staple Inn Actuarial Society 2000)
Fact: 1 in 8 males aged 30 will have a heart attack before age 65.(Source: Staple Inn Actuarial Society, 2000)
Fact: Hibernian's statistics show that 64% of their 2006 Serious Illness Claims were cancer related.
Fact: More than 1 in 3 people will develop cancer sometime during their life.(Source: Macmillan Cancer Relief,2006)
Fact: 75% of people living with cancer say that their diagnosis and illness has caused money problems.(Source: Macmillan Cancer Relief,2006)

If you suffer a serious illness a cash lump sum won't make you better, but it should help to reduce the financial impact of the illness on your life. It can help to ease any financial pressures and give you time to recover.

Inheritance Tax Planning: Advance provision can be made for any tax exposure likely to arise on death. In this way the estate will be protected from inheritance tax on death, and the dependants will not be forced to sell part of their inheritance or borrow substantial funds. The tax is levied on the total value of benefits received on death. Account is also taken of any previous gifts or inheritances received by that beneficiary from any source since the 5 December 1991. A certain amount, called the threshold, is free of tax, with the balance of the inheritance subject to inheritance tax. The threshold varies according to the relationship between the beneficiary and the deceased, from whom they take the inheritance.